Friday, February 29, 2008


"If you do not tell the truth about yourself
you cannot tell it about other people."
Virginia Woolf

How can we define truth? Being truthful is not easy. On the top of it, the most difficult task is confessing the truth to ourselves. We are afraid of accepting our defeat. We find excuses to cover our shortcomings. Human beings have a tendency to blame the other person for our wrong doings. We can report honestly and truthfully about others only if we are true about ourselves. It will tough initially, but slowly it’ll be an established fact. For instance any new discovery made by a scientist is hard to believe at first but gradually they are the solid facts of life.
George Bernard Shaw has rightly said: “New opinions often appear first as jokes and fancies, then as blasphemies and treason, then as questions open to discussion, and finally as established truths.”

1 comment:

Kenneth said...

Great point. Many of the truths, if not all have started out as a crazy or strange idea. Many years ago people were convinced the world was flat. We now know that it isn't true. I makes me wonder what we hold to be true today that in years to come will come to find is wrong. Like whats the deal with Global Warming. Interesting blog.