Friday, October 09, 2009

The Absence

Img. source: Deviant Art

My hands are full
but not a speck carried,
I have lost being the winner
I am an innocent sinner.
This world that I have –
it’s something so strange,
something so familiar yet
miles apart…
there’s nothing I can change,
nothing, nothing…
© Amritbir Kaur


manivannan said...

Very powerful poem Amritbir! The picture and your words are very striking...especially the last two lines!

Now, I can relate to it well....sometimes everybody goes this...the helplessness to change the world around change the nasty things that happens around us!

But, let's always hope for the best :-)

Have a great day ahead!

Amritbir Kaur said...

Thanks Manivannan for your feedback and making efforts to relate to it...a good sign that my poem could strike a chord.

surjit said...

Another wonderful poem. I like the words:
..'I am an innocent sinner...'
The poem contains a universal message that we can't change the world outside..
Thanks for sharing. God bless..

Surya said...


Its great that you are aware about your sin os innocence....

'Strange apart'-that strangeness is the key of it`s existance!hihihi....

Nor the spiritual stalwarts or the incarnated souls could made the change......

Then how can us?

Nothing can be changed-still we can re arrange the whole so as to make it feel better-right?

AJai said...

Powerful. Very philosophical. Had equal measures of depth and charm. Enjoyed it. :)

shri ramesh sadasivam said...

Dear Amritbir,

Wonderful poem! Each line kindles profound thoughts.

Thanks for sharing!

सुरेन्द्र "मुल्हिद" said...

i know wht u were trying to say

A New Beginning said...

Youve poured out your feelings really well:)
Thanks for the beautiful words!!

Dimps said...


"it’s something so strange,
something so familiar yet
miles apart…"

Very touchy!
The above lines are really excellent!


Anonymous said...

It`s Powerfull n straight from the heart, with all it`s nascence! Reminded me of a Bangladesi poet(forgotten the name)
...Standing by the sea side,

What is it that I so fixe`dly appraise,

only if my palms could scoop up the ocean waters'

only if they would , only if they could....

Regards. Anant