Tuesday, April 27, 2010

The Power of Expression

Pic src: Jumbled words

I have often reiterated in my poems and otherwise also, how beautiful a thing silence is! But then the importance of expression cannot be undermined. Sometimes we need to say the thing to get the message across. An ice-breaker is needed at times. Recently, I read a small story somewhere that I would like to quote here: “Two teardrops were flowing down a river. The first was that of a boy, who loved but never expressed. The other was of the girl, who was waiting for him.” This was meant to convey the idea that pouring our heart out is of the utmost importance at times. Keeping mum won’t do!
Even for the smooth functioning of a relationship we need the power of words. If you won’t say it, you won’t know it. We can only find an answer when we utter the question, when we  know that there is an answer to our question, when we know that we have a way to find an answer to that question...I could go on and on..but then we need to stop somewhere. This is what we call power of words - using the right words at the right time. This also includes not avoiding to use them when need be.


Amity said...

Hi Amrit;

So very true!

Silence is poetic but I'd rather would like to speak my heart out, vis!

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A New Beginning said...

Thats very true Amrit...I think sometimes even if you know the other person cares ..its always great to hear it from them..otherthan just asuming..
Great post as ever :)


Nicely said as silence sometime can't be made as understood. I recall a phrase from Hindi movie when an old man say I love you to an old lady who ask; "Tumne pahle kyu nahi kahaa? :)

सुरेन्द्र "मुल्हिद" said...

great thought penned down...

Readers Dais said...

Hi! Amrit,
expressing through words or deeds, what may ,we have to express ourselves, but u know in some instances moments arise even when silence communicates, being together with our beloved ones, especially with a burning heart, silence speaks volumes.....
A beautiful thought from you..once again :)

Marja said...

Beautifully expressed with great words. Yes words are very powerful
It is sometimes hard to use the right words because peole often don't speak the same language and misunderstand each other. But we have to take these risks to come closer together