Friday, June 04, 2010

A Prayer (poem)

Pic src: Prayer

God give me the courage
to surge ahead
and not inch forward
towards the long lost dreams;
a chance to fulfill
my cherished dreams,
and wipe away the broken bits.
Reaffirm the faith in man,
of man’s goodness and goodwill.
Give me the wisdom to know
what is right,
and mettle to mend the wrong.
Let me not fall flat
on the mountains of hope,
let me see the light bright
at the end of the dark, dreary tunnel.
Give me the days when I am
unfazed by the obstacles,
unmoved by the setbacks,
and unscathed by the stones thrown.
Let me just move on...

© Amritbir Kaur


KParthasarathi said...

The poem left me silent for a few moments and humble.Let God answer your prayer as you haven't asked Him much.A beautiful poem,indeed

Readers Dais said...

Hi! Amrit,

What more can one pray for to the almighty, other than the wisdom to know wats right, and then it will let you move on.....with a smile :)

a beautiful prayer...

AJai said...

Good read. I'm not really in to prayers. But it's important to keep the faith even in the low times. God Bless. :)

Nithin R S said...

Prayers from heart are never left unanswered.But it is answered by the will of the praying person.

Vittaldas Prabhu said...

This is a prayer and a motivational poem I must say. Very nicely written. It is a complete package of what an individual must do and strive to be on any day.

Anonymous said...

Very nice blog. finally, there are literary jewels out there. The poem is also very deep and remains true. I wonder: have you thought about publishing?