Friday, September 27, 2019

Skill Builder by Penguin Random House India

The Skill Builder series aims to foster in children the numerical, logical, thinking and language skills that are essential for success in the twenty-first century. The books are broadly aligned to school curricula
and are available at four different levels of complexity, so you can choose the one that best suits your child’s learning stage.
The Skill Builder: Science books are aimed at helping learners to become proficient in science. Through fun activities and challenging scenarios, learners will acquire investigative, research, observation, experimentation and analytical skills and learn to apply them to wide range of everyday contexts.
The Skill Builder series focuses on learning through play, with skills being practised through fun activities. The activities are based on real-life situations that the children are likely to encounter. 
The books reinforces concepts learned in school in a fun way and are suitable for different age and skill levels and aimed at students in Grade 1 to Grade 4. All activities in the books encourage the development of essential skills like critical thinking, research, inquiry and investigation. With more than 50 activities, puzzles and experiments in each book, the Skill Builder: Science books are created to help children understand and enjoy science.

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