Hamlet’s madness has been one of the most discussed topics among critics. The groundlings of Elizabethan stage were demanding. They wanted to see something new being performed on the stage. During the Elizabethan age the society at such a stage that they were experiencing the after-effects of Renaissance. They were still in the process of realizing the immense potentialities of a human being. The abnormal conditions portrayed on stage were like the inner processes being unfolded in the front of their eyes. Another reason was the desire of the human beings to see something dramatic in front of them.
Hamlet’s feigned madness was like an outlet for his pent up emotions. I feel it is the crux of the play. He uses an abnormal condition to verify what a supernatural thing (ghost of his father) told him. He uses it as a tool and his aid. Hamlet’s ‘crafty madness’ provides him with a chance of observing other normal human beings.
Hamlet at one place comments:
Hamlet’s feigned madness was like an outlet for his pent up emotions. I feel it is the crux of the play. He uses an abnormal condition to verify what a supernatural thing (ghost of his father) told him. He uses it as a tool and his aid. Hamlet’s ‘crafty madness’ provides him with a chance of observing other normal human beings.
Hamlet at one place comments:
“The time is out of joint . O cursed spite,
That I was ever born to set it right.”
This hints at the probability that Hamlet will be using his madness to set things right. But he doesn’t make an effort. According to Samuel Johnson, ‘Hamlet’ is, through the whole play, rather an instrument than an agent.” He doesn’t make an effort to kill his Uncle even after making sure of his guilt. Hamlet’s Uncle dies in circumstances which are not created by Hamlet himself.