It takes a lot to be a winner. And it’s not easy! Sometimes you win and still you are a loser, while at other times you might have lost that important match of your life but still you land up with so many accolades and appreciation in your pocket that you are the real winner in the long run. That’s because the fame associated with winning is short lived. We have the feeling of “Is that all there is?”(Bill Watterson once wrote these words in his comic strip ‘Calvin and Hobbes’) after the glory of winning has faded away.
We often complain and grumble, when we have put in all the efforts and they don’t bear fruits in the end. There might have been other reasons for not winning the competition but what feedback you get is the greatest reward for you at that time. Even a few words of true appreciation can boost your morale to new heights.
It is often said that losers comfort themselves by thinking “Winning is not all that important”. But this is only one side of the aspect. We even have to lose gracefully. Very few losers know how to go about it. Richard Bach has very beautifully put it:
“That’s what learning is, after all; not whether we lose the game, but how we lose and how we’ve changed because of it and what we take away from it that we never had before, to apply to other games. Losing, in a curious way, is winning.”