Thursday, June 26, 2008

'God's Footprints' by Ken Brown

It has been very long since I first read this poem 'God's Footprints' by Ken Brown. But I have never been able to forget it ever since. So I wanted to share it with my readers.

'God's Footprints'
By Ken Brown

One night in deepest sleep, I dreamed,

Upon the beach I walked.

The Lord was by my side each step

As quietly we talked.

Then on the sky my life appeared;

Each chapter was serene.

Two sets of footprints in the sand

I saw in every scene.

And then I noticed in some parts

Of discontent and strife,

Just a single pair of footprints

In the worst times of my life.

"Lord, you said you'd walk by me

In good times and in bad.

Why then weren't you with me

When you knew my life was sad?"

"My dearest child," God whispered,

"When you suffered then, I knew;

The single pair of footprints

Were those times I carried you."


AbelJournel said...

I'm really love this poetry

Jenaisle said...

Yes, this poem is a never fails to tugged at my heartstrings.

Thanks for posting.

Pheebles said...

This is one of the best poems I have ever encountered for evoking an emotional response in me.

Thanks for posting it.

Rhys said...

Good One!

This is always true. It is always our perception that is at fault, never God. He is there when we need Him, but we do need to LOOK!

d96640f0-a2ea-11e1-8df2-000bcdcb8a73 said...

This is a great poem, however, it was not written by Ken Brown. This is by Mary Stevenson, and was written in 1936.

d96640f0-a2ea-11e1-8df2-000bcdcb8a73 said...

This is a great poem, however, it was not written by Ken Brown. This was written in 1936 by Mary Stevenson.