Shakespeare's Grave

The grave of William Shakespeare has the following words inscribed on it:
"Blessed be the man that spares these stones
And cursed be he who moves my bones."
These words might have served as a warning in past times. Even now when Ian Stainburn, of Stainburn Taylor architects and historic buildings consultants, who is to give the bard’s grave of the Bard is taking care that the work is done without moving the bones literally. They are going to laminate the place as the surface was coming off. “It’s our wish that we conserve this without anyone knowing we were there,” said architect Ian Stainburn, who is working on the project. “We want to conserve it as it is and slow down the natural process of decay but we don’t want to recut it. It’s really a challenge.”
The condition of the grave had been deteriorating. Shakespeare was buried here on 25 April, 1616.