The Alphabet for the Journey called Life - Post 3

…continued from the previous post (the concluding part now)

P for Pacifist
A pacifist is the one who is opposed to violence as means of settling disputes. He is a peace-loving fellow. Maintaining peace at all costs is the need of the hour, with so much violence all around the globe.

Q for Quiet
Being quiet doesn’t mean being isolated from the society around us or being a loner. It entails being at peace with oneself and satisfied with what one has.

R for Restful
Being quiet and restful are somewhat related with one another. Restful means not overreacting in different situations – neither being too loud in happiness nor feeling down in the dumps in testing times. We should possess a balanced attitude.

S for Sanguine
‘Sanguine’ means being confidently optimistic and cheerful. Being optimistic about the future solves half of our problems. And we would be much at ease with ourselves and with the day to day life.

T for Trustworthy
Being worthy of someone’s trust not only provides a boost to your reputation in the society but also uplifts your standing in one’s own eyes.

U for Unaffiliated
Unaffiliated means being independent – enjoying independence while taking decisions, that is, not being influenced by others or by the pressure exerted upon you by someone for his own vested interests.

V for Valiant
A valiant person means he is not only physically strong but mentally also. A healthy mind lives in a healthy body. So we can say that bodily valiance is also necessary. Simultaneously we should also possess a valiant heart so that we don’t bow to the undue influences exerted upon us.

W for Will-Power
Setting up a goal or an aim for ourselves is one thing and possessing the will-power for achieving the same is another. Both are incomplete without the other.

X for X-ray Personality
By X-ray personality I mean to say that we should have the capacity of looking beyond a person's exterior; trying to understand the feelings of other persons without their announcing them. It is more important but at the same time tough to understand the silence than words.

Y for Yearner
Yearning for something leads to our achieving or attaining that thing. If we have the urge then only can we be motivated to move further and reach closer to achieving our target.

Z for Zealous
Being zealous, that is, full of enthusiasm and eagerness is what has the capacity to help us to achieve new heights.