A Prayer

We often use Tennyson's line: "More things are wrought by prayer than this world dreams of. " But little attention do we pay to this fact that how less we pray. We actually don't God enough for the little things that we possess - those things are only assumed little by us because we never think of them that way.
Here I would like to share with my readers a nice little prayer I read on the internet:
O God, I thank You for this day of life
for eyes to see the skyfor ears to hear the birds
for feet to walk amidst the trees
for hands to pick the flowers from the earth
for a sense of smell to breathe in the sweet
perfumes of nature
for a mind to think about and appreciate
the magic of everyday miracles
for a spirit to swell in joy at Your mighty presence

A Prayer by: Marian Wright Edelman,
Founder of the Children's Defense Fund
Source of this prayer: Inspiration Peak