Monday, January 19, 2009

First Morning Thoughts

How many of us wake up in the morning and say, "Today is another great day!"? Only a countable few, I am sure. A majority of us instead grumble about the unwanted impending tasks to be completed that day. Kids would lament "Oh no! I have to go school again." Some would  simply be wary of the troubles that could be there, those which haven't yet cropped up.
To some life seems to be "a tale told by an idiot full of sound and fury , signifying nothing" (Shakespeare in 'Macbeth'). Instead life should be taken as a tale of happiness and laughter. If you feel the happiness is eluding you, try creating it yourself. Enjoy each moment and savour each of the memories of the gone by beautiful days. 
Pat yourself in the morning and you'll have a confident 'you'. Always give credit to yourself for the tasks that you have accomplished. Don't wait for others to encourage you. Be  your own greatest motivating force. Bring to your mind the pleasant things that you'll be indulging in as the day progresses. You'll find yourself filled with a fresh enthusiasm, ready to face the day. 
So be up and doing with an all new you!


Gurinderjit Singh said...

Great thoughts and very practical suggestions. Also thanks for your thoughts about "the last key in the key chain".... so true..

Gurinderjit Singh said...

My Pleasure! I have incorporated your thoughts into my poem and posted the newer version

Again Thanks, Amritbir

Tomas said...

Thank you for the wonderful post. Thank you for the powerful reminder. I needed it very much. Thank you.

surjit said...

Very motivating post.We are so lost in superfluous things of life that we have forgotton its finer blessings.
Thanks for the timely reminder.
God bless.

Rajindarjit said...

Very practical post it is! A thought provoking one.
Its always safe to enjoy your present.
Good luck !