“Keep high aspirations
Moderate expectations
And small needs.”
Moderate expectations
And small needs.”
The quote reveals something we have all experienced or felt but couldn’t put the things this way. Our aspirations do help us to rise high in life. If we don’t aspire to achieve something, our life would be directionless as a ship without a rudder. We set goals that we would like to accomplish during our lifetime. But what happens when things don’t happen the way we imagined, there is a trail of disappointment in the life – the reason being we set a condition for the fulfillment of our dreams and aspirations. The same is the problem with day-dreaming – we weave stories around the persons or objects that have not yet happened in our lives. The path of day dreaming is beautiful but the journey back is very painful. The solution to lessen disappointment lies in keeping moderate expectations. We shouldn’t expect too much from life. Some of our dreams might stay unfulfilled forever… telling stories of the days gone by. Moreover, keeping moderate expectations from a person too would help to maintain a successful relationship, because when you don’t expect you’ll be in for a nice surprise. Then comes the case having small needs. Our needs reflect our outlook towards life. The number of needs should be restricted as they are not an indicator of success and happiness. Money can’t buy happiness, we’ve all heard that. Moreover, dreaming of something and feeling a need for the same are, many a times, two different things. For instance, a person might dream of a very costly car but might not have the need for owning the same. Such dream simply lets him enjoy the little pleasures of life.
But life can’t be lived in water-tight compartments. We are, indeed, the fallible human beings. We dream too often, and when they are dashed to the ground, we grumble, mourn, blame God, find faults, hide our tears lurking in laughing eyes, complain when life pauses… this is the stuff that we humans are made of. After all this, again trying to locate a ray of hope in the dark and dreary world…and, thus, we keep on moving…
But life can’t be lived in water-tight compartments. We are, indeed, the fallible human beings. We dream too often, and when they are dashed to the ground, we grumble, mourn, blame God, find faults, hide our tears lurking in laughing eyes, complain when life pauses… this is the stuff that we humans are made of. After all this, again trying to locate a ray of hope in the dark and dreary world…and, thus, we keep on moving…