What is fate? Can we change it? Philosophers and thinkers have been trying to analyze the concept of fate since times immemorial. We try to put into words our opinions on fate. We often find it easy to put the blame of all our failures on fate. It comes in handy. But how right is it? Or how much percentage of the blame can we justifiably lay on it? Or is it solely responsible? Do we humans have the capacity to change it? What is fate actually? These are some of the questions that keep cropping up in the mind time and again. And that too without satisfactory answers!
I have often tried to find answers to those questions. But whenever the dreams are dashed to the ground or the hopes remain unfulfilled, I am at once tempted to blame it on my fate. Often consoling myself by saying, “This had to happen, there’s no other way out.” But heart craves for a more strong logic. Then finding it hard to decipher the ways of God, I resign to my Fate, not knowing what to do next. But life goes, only grudges remain and the heart saying, “What if this had happened! What if things had been like that!” But then I move on, finding out a new way and following it with mind and heart involved in the journey. There’s a fear lurking in a corner of the heart, “What will I do? What would happen next…? A host of other fears crowding me… but I march on as if nothing would go wrong now… and life goes on…
I have often tried to find answers to those questions. But whenever the dreams are dashed to the ground or the hopes remain unfulfilled, I am at once tempted to blame it on my fate. Often consoling myself by saying, “This had to happen, there’s no other way out.” But heart craves for a more strong logic. Then finding it hard to decipher the ways of God, I resign to my Fate, not knowing what to do next. But life goes, only grudges remain and the heart saying, “What if this had happened! What if things had been like that!” But then I move on, finding out a new way and following it with mind and heart involved in the journey. There’s a fear lurking in a corner of the heart, “What will I do? What would happen next…? A host of other fears crowding me… but I march on as if nothing would go wrong now… and life goes on…