This Life that is...

Various philosophers have tried to define life in their own unique way. But when we try to analyze the concept deeply, we find there are certain ideas that simply don’t go with each other. It is these very contradictions that we try to reconcile to all through our life. Let’s take for instance,the thought that we need to live in our present. Even H.W. Longfellow in his ‘A Psalm of Life’ wrote:

“Trust no future, howe’er pleasant!
Let the dead past bury its dead!
Act – act in the living present!
Heart within, and God o’erhead!”

But is it possible to completely detach ourselves completely from our past?
We often say, we should live life by each passing moment. At the same time isn’t life a collection of moments chained together?
Life is a book. In my words, “Life is a book that contains various chapters and each chapter is an important part. We cannot simply do away with that or tear off the pages just like that…they stay there and keep cropping up like the obscure traces
What I wrote above was just a spontaneous overflow…What do you have to say?