New Year Resolutions (for 2010)

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pic modified by: Amritbir Kaur

We all make resolutions but tend to break them too soon. And this is not something very uncommon, we all do that. This is a common human trait. But we must all try to rise above this tendency of human erring. Try and we will succeed in keeping our word, after all, it is for ourselves that we would be keeping true to our resolutions; and it is worth its weight in gold in being that much selfish.
So this is the thought process that set my mind thinking and I chalked out the following list of resolutions for the coming year and I really mean to stick to them :)
• I would be more spontaneous because that would make me closer to being truthful, so to say.
• We often use the term ‘harmless lies’. Now that is nothing but a lame excuse in the garb of which we move away from truth. I promise to stay away from such harmless lies.
• I would be more true to my words. This would mean that I would take the help of my words (now that I have made them my best friend: ‘Words are all I have’). Taking help means expressing my inner self whenever I feel something and not keeping those feelings to myself. This would make the heart all the more at peace with itself. Being a bit selfish I know!!! :)
• I resolve that my words won’t ever hurt someone even if it means being courteous to my enemies (though I don’t have anyone in that list till date!!!). I believe in forgiving though I cannot forget that easily. (Referring to the policy of ‘forgive and forget’)
• To contribute a bit to the rescue of our environment, I have decided to have cut down on my usage of paper. Though I am already practicing it, yet I would do that more vigorously in the coming year.
• I mean to say that I would be a wise user when it comes to the question of consumption of natural resources like water. A big NO to its wastage.

Would be adding more to this list…but only when I seriously resolve to follow those and not just to make my list long!!!