“Life never leaves you empty. It always replaces everything you lose. If it asks you to put something down it is because it wants you to pick up something great.”
Indeed, it is this belief in God that would keep us going in life. This faith provides us the confidence and we move ahead with hope. This thinking is reflected in Browning’s optimism:
“God’s in his Heaven
And all’s well with the world.”
The unshakeable faith helps us to maintain the rhythm in the journey of life. Miracles do happen. If things are taking time to straighten up, then have patience. Because masterpieces take a greater time in being produced! After all, is the last laugh that matters…no matter who wins faith will always be victorious.
Remember ‘God is at work somewhere for you’. Even if we cannot see Him, He makes us feel His presence at times.
Who says prayers are not answered! It might take a while; remember there is light at the end of the tunnel. God answers your prayers in three ways:
God says YES and gives you the something good.
God says NO and gives you something better.
God says WAIT and gives you the best.
So it is just a matter of faith. We as human beings falter easily sometimes. But sooner or later we realize that how wrong we were in doubting the concept of divine justice. Whenever you face testing times remember you are being prepared for a nice surprise. And when you reach a point where you feel you can no longer hold on, stay put; because it is at such vulnerable points that there is a change and our life is never ever the same again… REMEMBER KEEP GOING NO MATTER WHAT…
//God says YES and gives you the something good.
God says NO and gives you something better.
God says WAIT and gives you the best.
now thats something sure shot mantra of feeling contented always :)
Reminded me of Jonhy walker - Keep walking :)
Very true indeed. I for one truly believe in the three ways of answering :)
optimism is necessity of life....so that we can make it better...and so is faith. faith and optimism are closely related!..such a good thought in my today's morning!! :;)
Well I'm a little sceptical about the whole thing. Not about God, but about leaving things to God and believing in him. Many times people resign themselves to their faiths only because they believe that it's God's will.
I think hope is important and necessary. You have to believe that tomorrow is going to be better. ANd you got to work towards it. Nything else is just too neagtive. That's all.
yeah.. remember keep going, no matter what..:) nice one..
Faith in God is the word.
It is my personal experience, I was going through a problem.Trust me,I went to a GURUDWARA and followed a CHALIA for 40 days.
I had the solution soon enough.
Very True Amthanks for the beautiful post :)Have a great week ahead!
Do the best we possibly could and still if we dont get the results then we can leave it to him.But we got to be sincere in the efforts we put.Nice post.
Nice post!!
Do what you can, God will do the rest!! Its always a good feeling to keep faith alive.
Happy New year to you...:-)
I beg to be a little different. We cannot leave things to God. All these words only look good in books as they are quite uplifting, no doubt, but may not be practical. One must also remember that, "God only helps those who help themselves." So, unless a person does not keep trying it pointless to hope that good things will happen. Having said all that, this post is mainly about optimism and the post is quite optimistic. :-)
Hello Amritbir ji :)
"Hope for the best and God will do the rest" ...
Nicely written.
I love the quote "Life never leaves you empty...." I collect quotes so I keep that one. Great wisdom and beautiful thoughts in this post Thanks
"But sooner or later we realize that how wrong we were in doubting the concept of divine justice".
Excellent post, I really enjoy reading this article, thank you so much for sharing it.
You know, what i was just beleiving this words through all the hardships i endured for more than seven years in my life and at the end i realise, GOD just showered me with the best. Praise to the LORD ALMIGHTY
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