We all try to learn new lessons from our experiences – whether good or bad, each day teaches a new lesson. Each moment the life is new. But we try to keep on holding the reins of our past, even when the horse is gone. In the meanwhile, we miss hiring a new horse. This is to say, while we are too busy holding on to our past, we miss the opportunities that future offers us. The first thing we need to keep in mind is that whatever we do leaves an indelible mark in our lives. No matter how much we believe in the policy of forgive and forget, at some point of time we can find some obscure traces in our mind that flash before our eyes unannounced. But at the same time our focus should be in conditioning our mind in such a way that we write off the memories of bad deeds that someone has done towards us. Not only this, we should also delete from our memory the good deeds that we have done for others. This would mean we are not troubling ourselves by bothering for the returns. “Dream as if you’ll live forever, live as if you’ll die tomorrow”, said James Dean.
Pic src: Dream