Chetan Bhagat in Ludhiana

It was all about promotion and publicity. Chetan Bhagat was in Ludhiana for a motivational session, 'CEO -2020', organised at Guru Nanak Bhawan in collaboration with the LMA (Ludhiana Management Association) and Shelly's Media Track. Having achieved roaring success with fiction, Chetan Bhagat has now ventured out into the field of non-fiction, motivational books, yet another genre that promises a hot market. But with Chetan Bhagat it is not that fiction sells or non-fiction sells. It is just that the name Chetan Bhagat sells! Now this celebrity writer was bemused by the fact that the organisers were 'courageous' enough to have this event planned for a city known for Butter Chicken, hosiery and business. Ludhianvis might take that as too narrow a description of their city Ludhiana, which has now moved much closer to the metro culture. The highlights of his three-hour session were the changing concept of communication, innovations for survival with the changing times and incorporation of technology. If Chetan Bhagat is there, can Bollywood be far behind! He informed about his upcoming movie projects: 'Kai po Che' based on his novel 'Three Mistakes of My Life' and the other one based on his novel 'Two States'.