The Delhi Ibsen Festival - DIF 2012

Henrik Ibsen, the Norwegian playwright, theatre director, and poet, was the founder of Modernism in theatre. He is referred to as "the father of realism". Delhi celebrates Ibsen Festival from 1 December to 7 December, 2012 at Kamani Auditorium.

 The event will be hosted by The Dramatic Arts and Design Academy (DADA) under the auspices of the Royal Norwegian Embassy to present the richness and diversity of the work of Henrik Ibsen and the varied manifestations of his text performed by international theatre groups. The seven productions being featured at the Delhi Ibsen Festival are all experiments into new directions. Five productions are specially created for the festival. All the productions are extremely innovative.

 Young directors like Heisnam Tomba from Manipur and Sankar Venkateswaran from Trichur, Kerala and Ovlyakuli form Tashkent will unveil before us a revolutionary approach to Ibsen. The Delhi Ibsen Festival 2012 Seminar, projects an unusual theme...."Who is the Enemy?" The idea of 'enemy' is open to multiple levels of interpretation encompassing aesthetics, history, socio-political issues and economic scenarios of discourse. Many conventional and established ideologies are reviewed as open-ended questions.

 DEC 01 - The Master Builder
DEC 02 - When We Dead Awaken
DEC 03 - Ghosts
DEC 04 - Gurrya Ka Ghar
DEC 05 - The Lady from the Sea
DEC 06 - Jai Jawaan Party
DEC 07 - An Enemy of People