Rain and Rainy Days

Why is it that rains are always welcome but rainy days are never? What a contradiction! But probably we have never pondered over that. All things associated with rains fascinate us, for instance, an umbrella, a steaming hot cup of tea or coffee etc. but things associated with rainy days like floods, flash floods etc. too keep reminding us of their presence off and on. Now in 2013 it is the Uttarakhand floods that will serve as an eye-opener. But only if we grasp the message between the lines. One message and the most important is that 'we should not be playing with Nature'. One must remember John Dryden's words 'Beware the fury of patient man'. Much in the same manner it is Nature that is furious, now that it has been witnessing the devastation being done to it my man because of his selfish motives.

We also know that there is always an equal and opposite reaction to whatever we do. It is what we sow so shall we reap. But man is a forgetful being. We all have a habit of postponing and ignoring things by telling ourselves 'Doesn't matter'. And then comes a time when we realize that it did matter after all. By then it is too late to mend things. It is just like any other relationship - the give and take. It is simple: we can only take that what we give. If we nurture with care, respect and affection, it is the same we have in return. But if we keep on exploiting the other, be it our partner or Nature, it is bound to boomerang on us.

It is time we all wake up. The alarm bells are already ringing very loudly. Don't turn a deaf ear. Let's waken up our senses before they are deadened by the deafening alarming noise! P.S. A silent prayer for all those trapped because of floods. May they all be here with us safe and sound!