Moving on...


If moving on in life means that we have detached ourselves completely from our past, then why do we have dreams related to it? If we can forgive and forget so easily, then why is it that we can still feel the pricks off and on? Why is it that we have memories attached when we claim to have detached completely?

The tree standing tall
near the river bed,
but never ever got a drop
the yellow never turned red.
The wait was eternal
longer than life itself;
there came thousand springs
but soul couldn’t reveal the self.
The leaves were buried
the twigs swept away:
grayed leaves dying underneath
and the river slid silently away.
©Amritbir Kaur

Silently time moves on and we pretend to move on with the moving time. We pretend to be normal but what we don't want to confess even to ourselves that a part of has stayed behind clinging to the past that we never wanted to pass. It's not that there something bad about it. It is pretty normal to travel back to the past off and on. After all, we all leave footprints behind, it might be in the form of the associations we formed with places, time or situations.

There are things lying dormant in our subconscious, but the things are not the dead ones. They tend to crop up to the surface when provided with a suitable trigger. Occasionally it does no damage but when we are so dependant on the moorings of the past, it is then that we are unable to keep up with the time that is passing by. It is then that we lose count of our own self and we being lost in a reclusive world of our own are unable to keep track of the things happening to us in the present time. And then again our future is affected by it. So we might end up being caught in a vicious circle of delving only into the past, while letting the present go by.
Hence, don't feel guilty if you have spells of visiting your past, but then don't do it at the cost of your present. It is the present that will give you memories to cherish in future and you will be able to sort of compensate for the bitter memories of the past. Let  present be your saviour so that you can rescue your future!