Saturday, January 23, 2021

This day, that day!

Today23 January and the day before 22 January, are the dates when I lost my maternal parents.
And today, 23 January 2021 I'll be shifting to my own independent new house - a gift from my parents. The moment I glanced at the date on my mobile screen, the memories came rushing to my mind and it became a lonely place.
I reminisced about the day she passed away; her sweet little nothings that became everything after she was gone. I still carry her with me all along each passing. I feel the tidbits of her in me; I can easily relate the things that were passed on to me through my mother; I cherish each day the valuable lessons of life I learnt from her.
The only thing missing is the warmth of her embrace! The longing desire! O to be there again!
'Bliss it was in that dawn to be alive/ but to be young was very heaven' (William Wordsworth)

About a week later after she had left us, I composed a poem dedicated to her, while standing at a traffic light.
Today I stand in 2021, and the mobile screen flashed the date - 23 January- and I was at once engulfed in a melancholic state of celebrating to a new house on this day.
But then tagging along her most cherished memories, I realized it couldn't have been on any other day; there couldn't have been a  better day. 

Tuesday, January 12, 2021

Book Preview - Surgical Strike Across the LOC

This is the most authentic account of what happened at Uri in 2016 from the man who led the surgical strikes in Kashmir. Here is an exclusive preview from INDIA'S BRAVEHEARTS: UNTOLD STORIES FROM THE INDIAN ARMY.

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