Leave All Your Worries to God and Relax

Tireless efforts have been made to define God. There has been a variety of opinions ranging from the shocking declaration made by the German philosopher, Nietzsche that ‘God is dead’ to the unflinching faith displayed by the likes of John Milton. The concept of God is just as if God is a support system for a human being, so that in times of need we can simply fall back with expectations for assurance. Given the life of a man, worries have become an inseparable part. They are plenty in number especially given the modern complex and materialistic lifestyle.

The title ‘Leave all your worries to God and relax’ might suggest that we can rest while God does all the work for us. We only have to keep patience. But this does not mean that we will sit idle doing nothing. We have to do our part first. We have to work hard, persistently to inch towards attaining our goal. The same kind of idea is conveyed in the English proverb ‘Do your best and leave the rest’. It is the fruits of labour that we have to leave to God. having done our part we can then have Browning’s optimism “God’s in His heaven and all’s well with the world”. This would help to instill the courage to face failures and to accept success with humility. Having faith in God means that we are sure He will do justice, while rewarding, to what is being invested in the form of our efforts. How true what I read in the Reader’s Digest a few years back ‘Have faith in God but do lock your car’.