Words are all I have...

pic src: Words

Words are all I have…I consider them to be my best friend. The term ‘best friend’ says it all.
•The words never make me feel lonely.
•They are always loyal.
•They don’t fail me when I need them the most.
•They help me to be just myself.
•I feel at home when I am in the company of my own words.
•They help me to express my innermost thoughts.
•They help me to unlock the mysteries of life that surround.
•They help me to free myself from the ties and the chains that always do bind.
•They are a means of protecting myself from the onslaught of the cruel world around me.
•They lend me a shoulder when I need support the most.
•They don’t change with time, they are always constant and ever unchanging.
•They are a silent promise that they’ll always be there when I need them the most.
•They are something that’ll be always present even if they are absent.
•They are always there when all others abandon.
•They don’t demand an explanation.
•They have full faith that whatever I say is correct and should not be doubted.

The list seems to be endless. I felt as if I could go on and on. But then had to stop somewhere… else my words could get out of my control and I would never want that to happen. After all, best friends are a promise that they’ll there forever and ever, no matter what…