Malala banned in Pakistan

Malala Yousafzai’s book “I Am Malala” has been banned by Pakistani Private Schools Association. The office bearers have claimed that the young activist’s book does not show proper respect for Islam. They have also labeled her as a tool of the West. It must be remembered here that Malala is the girl, whow as shot in the head by the Taliban because she criticized Taliban’s interpretation of Islam as far as limiting the access of girls to education is concerned.
Her memoir, “I Am Malala”, co-authored by British journalist Christina Lamb, was released in October. Talking about Salman Rushdie in her book Malala has mentioned that her father considered “The Satanic Verses” as “offensive to Islam but believes strongly in the freedom of speech.” She has quoted her father saying that first one must read the book himself and “then why not respond with our own book”.
One of the reasons, as mentioned by Kashif Mirza (Chairman of All Pakistan Private Schools Federation) that has led to the banning of the book is her mentioning the name of Prophet Mohammad’s name without using the abbreviation PBUH (“peace be upon him”) as is the tradition in many areas of the Muslim world. “Malala was a role model for children but this book has made her controversial”, he added. “Through this book she became a tool in the hands of Western powers.”