Commenting on the launch of the imprint, Ashwarya said, “Penguin Random House India has been home to the best writers and experts in the genre of war, defence and military stories, and we felt it was the right time to launch Penguin Veer, to bring greater focus and ambition to the esteemed list. Over the next few years, we hope to expand the list, and publish newer voices, while working closely with our existing brand authors. With the wide and growing readership that this genre enjoys, Penguin Veer will offer depth, diversity, and quality to its readers. I am proud to add this new imprint to our division, and look forward to the support of our authors and readers in making it a success.”
Penguin Random House India has published many bestselling and eminent titles about Indian Armed Forces, including The Brave: Param Vir Chakra Stories, 1965: Stories from the Indo-Pak War and Kargil by Rachna Bisht Rawat; and Vijyant at Kargil: The Biography of a War Hero by Col. VN Thapar and Neha Dwivedi. The titles in this genre, along with new forthcoming publications, including Major General Ian Cardozo’s 1971; Major General Rajpal Punia and Damini Punia’s Operation Khukri; Kulpreet Yadav’s The Battle of Rezang-La; and many more, will be brought under the new imprint.
“The Indian Armed Forces are the epitome of valour and selflessness, and we are so proud to announce Penguin Veer, an imprint dedicated to writings on our illustrious military history. From retired military officers to the best defence writers and war journalists in the country, our list of celebrated authors will bring readers stories of unsung heroes and icons, of lesser-known battles and military operations, capturing the courage and fearlessness displayed by our soldiers in the line of duty. These are stories that will fill hearts with pride,” said Chadha.
Gaurav Shrinagesh, CEO of Penguin Random House India and SEA, said of the new imprint, "Penguin Random House India aims to nurture our relationship with our readers, and having witnessed the popularity and demand our books on the Indian Armed Forces receive, we hope to bring more drive and diversity to this genre with our new Penguin Veer imprint. We add this imprint with great confidence to enrich our readers’ reading experiences, and build an inspiring catalogue that will be a testament to our country’s armed services.”
Ebury Publishing and Vintage is a publishing division of Penguin Random House India. Ebury Publishing is home to the most successful and celebrated list of popular fiction, non-fiction and business books in the Indian subcontinent, while Vintage hosts a select and specially curated list of literary fiction and literary non-fiction books. There are over half-dozen imprints under this division with the addition of Penguin Veer, each offering unique reading experiences. This new imprint will be the first of its kind to be dedicated to telling stories of and from India’s defence forces landscape.