Sunday, January 27, 2019

Give it a go... (poem)

Give it a GO...
Give it a go, give it a go- it might have something befitting in store for you,
Give it a go ,give it a go- there might be felicity galore for you.

Always look for a shot, not bothering about the result,
Before jumping into the arena, it is only you whom you should consult.

What shall be your Bourne , now that you have decided,
No point in beating about the bush, you should be self guided.

"What is the thing that you are up to?" This crummy world might interrogate,
But the feeling to succeed in your Endeavour is quite sufficient to motivate.
At par with hard work, there is nothing as a surrogate,
If not today, then tomorrow, your effort the species shall appreciate.
As a personality trait, you should have a sense of humor,
"It is necessary to change yourself for others" is just a rumor.
Never look up to the knavery as a means to lead to fame,
My dear friend! It always becomes a selfish and tawdry game.
Be prepared for the worst, but over uncertainties do not obsess,
For success is not a moment but a continuous and long drawn process.
Whatever you want in life, always feel encouraged to learn,
People might and will surely talk, that should never be your concern.
Each one of us wants to be esteemed, the process may be tedious and slow,
But always remember... Don't stop trying,
Just give it a Go...Give it a Go.

© Literary Jewels